With deep regret, the Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce has made the difficult decision to cancel the 2023 Taste of Morgan Hill. The Board’s decision to cancel the event was specifically driven by the significant cost escalations to secure public safety requirements; increases in insurance premiums for large venues; and growing concerns to maintain a safe and accessible festival space.
The Chamber Board is continuing to work alongside the City of Morgan Hill and other Non-Profit Organizations to monitor the ever-changing requirements with respect to large festival venues. We are committed to reimagining possible smaller venues for future events in support of our Morgan Hill businesses, Non-Profits, and community members.
The economic impact of running a deficit event would seriously jeopardize several valued business and community programs the Chamber of Commerce provides to our community on a daily basis. We do not want to adversely impact programs such as the Chamber’s Rock the Mock Program, Student Manufacturing Day, Friday Night Music Series, monthly Business Breakfasts and Mixers, and Quick 5 podcast that spotlights our local businesses & non-profits.
We deeply appreciate your continued support and understanding and will keep you informed on our progress .
Nick Gaich, CEO, President
Steve McFarland, Board Chair