Earlier today County officials announced that Santa Clara County has made excellent progress in the fight against COVID-19 and will entre the YELLOW TIER TOMORROW, Wednesday May 18th! The county’s vaccination rates are among the very highest in the nation, as more than 75% of county residents 16 and older have received at least one dose
of vaccine. Case rates have declined to some of their lowest levels at any point in the pandemic, and test positivity rates have hit an all-time low. Dr. Sara Cody announced that TOMORROW @12AM she would be lifting most of the local rules currently in place, including requirements that businesses maximize the number of staff who are teleworking, replacing prior rules with a limited local health order. The new order will require continued reporting of COVID-19 cases in workplaces and schools, and will require employers to determine which staff are fully vaccinated in advance of changes to State masking and social distancing requirements for fully vaccinated people in the workplace.
Read the full order of the Health Officer here: Order of the Health Officer of the County of Santa Clara - May 18, 2021 - Emergency Operations Center - County of Santa Clara (sccgov.org)
**If you are fully vaccinated you may remove your mask outdoors. However, masking indoors remains fully in place in California until the Governor's June 15th announcement. **